COBie / Asset Data Management

COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) is an international standardthat enables the transfer of building data. This data is transferred from design to construction and maintenance in a collaborative and clear format.

Using technical terms COBie is a ‘data schema’ that may be kept in a spreadsheet or, more effectively, in a database and can organise all data in a way that is compatible with all other data structures using this format.

Fully compliant models can be delivered to FM teams for use with the buildings ongoing maintenance & used in place of O&M manuals. Point cloud scanning, BIM 360 & many other programs can be incorporated into our modelling processes to deliver a precise model of the building and the services within it.

As part of this process asset information and parameters can be included within the model including bar codes, serial numbers, warranty & manufacturer information. This information then allows the FM team to utilise the model for maintenance information purposes, replacing the old method of hard copy drawings scattered around in the back of various O&M Manuals creating one seamless data base for the buildings lifetime.